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Manifesting Your Desires in the NOW: Visualization & Gratitude

Writer's picture: Fola VeritasFola Veritas

This morning I had a profound realization about manifesting one’s desires in this world through visualization and gratitude.

I’ve been exploring my inner vision through visualization techniques that project energy onto timelines I feel called to create in this physical reality. These techniques vary from the projection exercises in Geof Gray-Cobb’s book, Amazing Secrets of New Avatar Power, to envisioning Divine names and their corresponding sigils merging with my light body. The power of vision and imagination is quite astounding when one really delves into it.

A while ago, I shared about New Thought teacher, Neville Goddard, and his perspective about using the imagination to manifest. He encouraged the practice of reviewing the inner desires at the point between awake and sleep by visioning the desired outcome along with building a sense of the feeling of energy of said event/desire. At the time it hit me that for some people (including myself) SEEING one’s desire may not come as first nature; whereas FEELING the energy (or perceiving it through some other sense) may come more easily.

einstein quote about imagination being powerful
Your imagination is powerful

The realization at that time was to go with whichever sense seemed strongest and then build up from there. For example, if feeling is your stronger sense, as you begin your practice of manifestation, bring to mind your desire and then allow the thought of that desire to add energy to the feeling of said desire in your body. This may manifest in the form of a particular vibrational sensation in your body or you may notice temperature changes; whatever it is, make note of it and allow your focus on the desire to continue to draw energy into the feeling. Soon you will have an exponential amount of energy that you can then use to feed the VISION by Seeing. Begin then to bring to your mind’s eye the vision of what you desire - SEE It on a projector screen before you. The energy will continue to guide you along the vision.

This is but one technique to test.

The point I wanted to share here was about how some people struggle manifesting or visioning because they do not have a clear vision of what they want due to the fact that they are ALREADY living the life they desire in some capacity!

Let me explain.

Upon waking this morning and beginning my visualization experiments, it dawned on me: The visions I had been forming in my mind are not the true essence of the matter. What I had been putting on my projector screen - the images of what I thought I wanted to do through examples of other people living in particular ways - were not the true calling of a life of Freedom, Autonomy and Self-Exploration. The irony of this all that really hit me was that I AM living this experience in my life NOW.

In this present moment I do experience Freedom.

I am an Autonomous being.

I am able to move through life in the ways I feel called to.

So you see, the need to vision some future self was unnecessary to begin with.

Please understand me. I’m not saying to never vision for the future.

I do believe that by holding the vision for what you desire to see manifest is how Spirit speaks to your soul. The glimpses we get inspire us to continue on the path and are an arrow pointing us in a direction.

What I am hoping to illustrate is that rather than thinking your desired reality is down the road in some future version of yourself, hold yourself in the highest regard in the NOW Moment instead. The practice of gratitude and appreciation is a great way to remind yourself of how life is actually working out for you in the present moment.

As I realized that I AM living the life I desire (though maybe all the pieces I’d hoped for have not yet fallen into place [at least how my mind sees it]), I began to state to myself (in the mirror): “WOW Fola You’re actually doing it! This is great! Thank you for being you. I am so thankful for all that exists in this present moment. I am grateful for the learnings. I am grateful that my vision is a reality and I am watching it unfold magickally. I am thankful for my stepping into my power more fully each breathe I take. I am thankful for this realization. . .”

Continue to list off all the things you are grateful for and what is working out in your life, as minuscule as you think it may be. This will build the energy even further.

I will also name that over the last 24 hours I was working with the 60th Divine Name, מצר (Metzer). This name brought on the realization that being here Now is step number one. If you’d like to work with this name to support you on your creative journey, you can find the sigil in the image below.

The magick of manifesting does not have to be complicated. As fun as it is to do ritual and invoke the powers of the Universe, you can simply recognize that you are perfect the way you are and that you are being divinely guided in your life. The Divine Source of all has paved the way and you are walking it each moment of each day.

I hope that you can come to see this as you continue to draw upon that which inspires you.

divine name shem ha-mephorash metzer
Divine Name #60 of Shem ha-Mephorash: Metzer (Mem Tzaddi Resh)

How to use the sigil:

Sit in a quiet place. Begin breathing in and out for the count of 4. Allow your body to relax and your mind to find some sense of focus. Take the sigil (drawn, printed, or on your phone) and begin to observe it. Now begin to scan the 3-letter name from right to left (this is how Hebrew is written). As you scan the name, repeat the Divine name vibrating silently or quietly: Metzer (or say the letters Mem Tzaddi Resh).

Continue to do this for several minutes. Your eyes may begin to feel heavy. You may close them, but continue to see the sigil with the letters in your mind’s eye while vibrating the name. When you are complete thank the Divine source and say a prayer to honor.

Happy Creating Folks!

PS. If you'd like to learn more about the 72 Divine Names, I invite you to sign up to be notified of the release of my next book, which is a step-by-step magickal manual on each name and how to use them to open doorways of possibilities in your life. You can sign up here

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