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Writer's pictureFola Veritas

Moving Beyond Soul Inertia: Align with the Universe

Taken from the Daemon-Muses Writing series (Day #17) - about breaking past stagnancy, being stuck, or feeling like you do not know which direction to go next. Here is how you align with the universe.

What if Einstein had not been able to put the theory of relativity into words or mathematical formulas? What if instead he hummed and huh’d all day while watching people go about their daily business. What if instead of doing the work that came to him he instead just let it move past him? Would it have been lost to all time and space? Or would there have been another Einstein, maybe from somewhere in Zimbabwe or some other exotically modern place?

einstein meme quote
Stupidity and Genius - Einstein

Contemplate this.

All ideas that come to humankind exist for all to explore. They are relative in the sense that they always exist and it is but a matter of allowing oneself to observe and recognize that yes this said experience/object/idea exists.

Upon review of the Theory of General Relativity, it appears that there is this postulate:

Expansion of the universe: The universe is expanding, and certain components within the universe can accelerate the expansion”  (Wikipedia)

You are an ever-expanding part of the ever-expanding universe. Everything around you is expanding. And all things expand from a central point. A ripple in a pond. A belly full from too much Thanksgiving turkey. A room full of ravers grooving ecstatically to a DJ's tunes. It starts at a focal point and extends rays out into the infinite ever-changing Universe.

Now what about these ‘certain components’ that can accelerate expansion? What will aide in the expansion of your vibratory life?

That is where we can put focus on. In order to expand / accelerate one must move past the vice of inertia.

Inertia. This word has been creeping up on me slowly these past couple of weeks - oh Malkuth (See, Pathworking does actually create change).

On inertia:

“LAW I. Every object perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, except insofar it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon.” - Isaac Newton

You are asked to overcome inertia of your body, mind and soul by creating the movement within alignment of the universe. Aligning with the universe means you are no longer stuck and you begin to believe you are living your soul purpose.

Increase the movement of your cells physically by moving and exercising. Walking. Breathwork. On occasion chaotic and on other occasions rhythmic movement and breath. Go to work a different way than you usually drive. Break the consistent movements of your cells from their patterns. Eat a variety of foods. Try something new like a new hobby. Go rock climbing if you’re scared of heights. Don’t turn the television on one evening if you are used to vegging out on the couch all night - instead get a book or play a boardgame with loved ones. Or better yet, grab a deck of cards and play solitaire with yourself.

Moving beyond the inertia of mind, think outside the box. Go to a rally or gathering that you would probably not want to align with. Attend an organization that has counter views to your usual opinions. Read a book written from an opposition lens of life. Learn a new topic on a subject you may have been curious for a long time or that you maybe struggled with learning in your youth.

For the soul, allow yourself time to go deeper into psychedelic and spiritual experiences you have been putting off. Increase the time spent on your meditation pillow by 5 minutes. Fast and pray for one day of the week. Sign up for a 10-day Vipassana silent meditation retreat. Shake things up. You may be very surprised in the end that by taking a day off to slow down can actually aide in the process or expanding and moving past inertia.

Learning about Cell inertia is a guiding path.

Your cells (aka body) will continue on the path it is familiar with unless something strong enough moves it otherwise.

So if you are finding yourself stuck and inertia continues to creep up on you slowly, perhaps it is time to shake life up.

Inviting you to join me this Sunday, 18th August @ 7:00pm for a in-person Sound Journey to align the chakras and bring balance and movement into your life. You can register here (note this is an external website).

Want to dive in one-on-one, you can reach out to me here. Supporting folks through their transformative life journey is part of the work I do within Deep Mind Squared. It is a rewarding, inquisitive and joy-inducing work and I am forever grateful for those who share their journey with me.

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