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The Red Goddess Ritual: A Working for Wealth, Worthiness, & Love

The Red Goddess Ritual: A Working for Wealth, Worthiness, & Love

A ritual working meant to align you with the passionate and wealthy energy of the Red Goddess known as Babalon.




The Goddess Babalon may be one of the most misunderstood energies in existence. This being due to the disrespect for the feminine and the shadow aspects of human existence.


Babalon (known by various names across time such as Inanna, Ishtar, etc.) has been at the center of various esoteric paths.


She is the whore, the counterpart to the virginal mother. She is the bloodlust of Sekhmet that leads to healing and self-empowerment. She is the overindulgence in food and drink that brings smiles to mens faces. She is you. She is everyone. She is everywhere.


This working is meant to align you with the energy of the Red Goddess so you can erase the stories and beliefs that have held you from fully embracing yourself, your worth and your divine birthright of wealth and abundance. So abandon the way you’ve been doing life and be willing to receive the blessings of Babalon. It is through her that all opportunity is birthed, and you can accept yourself exactly as you are.


If you desire to live your life more fully, be in your empower, and have a sense of excitement and pleasure like none other, then this ritual working is for you.


Included in this purchase:

  • PDF file of ritual (includes list of ritual items needed, step-by-step instructions on connecting to Babalon)
  • printable sigil for your altar


Cost: $15



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