About: Letting go of religious trauma by embracing new perceptions of the indoctrinated beliefs around hell.
Childhood's Role
I am realizing more and more lately that many people, including myself, have experienced indoctrination from our childhood and past lives. I was raised going to church (Pentecostal), praying in tongues, and witnessing people being filled with the Holy Spirit and fainting to the floor. I have seen some weird ass shit in my life tied to my parents’ strong religious beliefs that the Devil is walking amongst us and tempting & tricking humanity every moment he gets. As you can imagine, having this in one’s mind on a regular basis would have an impact on their life. I found that growing up I had a fear of death because of the worry of damnation - where was my soul going after? I better be good or else!
Now I am coming to see the truth behind organized religious practices and the power of fear in controlling people to do or belief a particular way. It is quite scary to imagine that people still fear the concept of hell or the Devil.

I realize more and more that I do not align with the fear narrative that my parents have held so tightly to. I do not believe that there is a hell in which I will go to suffer eternally because of my sins. I do not believe God is only a vengeful god who wants to create pain and havoc. I believe God is a harmonious mix of both and yes has (like us as humanity) evolved from what was a low conscious heart dedicated to selfishly getting things right and taking revenge on those who did not listen. Now I see God as truly loving and as using the challenges to lift us up into more of who we are meant to be!
Reading about the early Christian concept of Hell - the belief was held that:
“The early Church believed God’s Hell-fire was not inflicted to destroy the lost, but rather to ultimately save them. God’s “fire” was WISE in that it revealed, cleansed and cured the lost soul of all the false identities accumulated during their fallen lifetimes. The “wood, hay and stubble” of these false identities would be “burned off” of the lost soul, but they themselves would “be saved, yet so as by fire.” 1 Corinthians 3:13-15.”
The problem for many experiencing Religious Trauma Syndrome (it's a real thing folks!) is that they are still linked to the beliefs of their upbringing and do not realize they operate from a place of fear. Many still think they are going to be judged and suffer grave consequences in the after life. I mean who really knows?! The thing I come back to is - You can either live in fear and play small and WAIT for judgement to come, or you can recognize that there is HELL on Earth as well as HEAVEN and that the choice comes down to how you wish to live in harmony with the Divine - including your personal Will.
We play small and forget to live life to the fullest because of the worry that our actions may have significant consequences that go beyond our ability to transform them. We forget that sometimes God puts us through trials of (hell) fire because we are meant to up level and come to deeper understandings about ourselves and our role within the greater experience of existence.

The Benefits of Shifting vs Living Hell
Continuing to hold onto these religious programs and playing small is only holding yourself back. You are continually stepping on the brakes of the universal Tesla transporting you through space-time.
When you begin to acknowledge and explore these religious traumas and beliefs that you hold, you allow yourself to become more fully YOU and embrace your light and your shadow - the same light and shadow that exists within the Creator. You embrace your tendency to be vengeful and the parts of you that can love unconditionally. You no longer hide the shadow hoping no one will see it. And rather you recognize it and choose something that is more of the light.
When you see the hold that religious program has had on your life you begin to feel more ease and trust that has been trying to guide you since you were young. This in turn leads to more ease and an overall sense of joy.
What stops most People?
The biggest reason people talk themselves out of moving beyond religious programming is that the fear of being wrong means they will end up in hell anyway. Another reason is that fear of being misleading to others and in turn having an impact on another person’s wellbeing/salvation.
My Experience of Hell (Religious Trauma)

What I will say about those previous objections to creating change in life, is that I personally have felt responsible for other peoples’ wellbeing and actions. It was not until I began to relinquish the need to people please or God please that I then able to step fully into my own relationship with Spirit, which is (in my opinion) the most important part to this life. I have been learning lots over the years working with various spiritual guides and exploring different spiritual beliefs and magickal practices, that there are more than one way to build a personal relationship with the Divine. What it comes down to is finding one’s personal keys to doing so - and that this can vary from person to person. What matters is that you find the way that works best for you! For some it is Buddhism. For others it is Hedonism. For others it is African Spirituality. For others it is binge watching films that inspire. For myself it is linked to the Hermetic Qabalah and occult practices. At this point I am seeing that diving more deeply into what draws me is a way to explore my inner realm and deepen the relationship with my spirituality. My God(s). My perception of life. (Curious about learning more about Qabalah, I invite you to check out my Pathworking Class where you can dive into the Tree of Life and receive the keys to master your life).
I know longer am worried about leading people astray, because I am not responsible for them. People are able to make their own decisions as good or bad as they may seem in the eyes of others. I am here to offer support when needed and whether I feel like it or not. If you like what I say, great. If you do not, then great too. Either way I am showing up as my most authentic self and moving beyond the hold of societies expectations and repetitive drivel.
Do I know for sure there is no Hell or that God will damn me to an eternity of hell fire? Well I believe in a loving and accepting God that is all pervading and all encompassing the experiences of ups and downs and I trust that I am making the best choices for myself in this lifetime that will impact my future in ways beyond what I could even imagine. For now I see that there are times on this Earth plane that I feel hell permeating ever essence of my experience and other times I am basking in the warm glow of the Garden that is heaven. I do not have all the answers, but I trust that by letting go of the old beliefs that have been used to keep my mind stuck in fear, I am now liberated.
How you Can Solve this!
If you are struggling with the old ways of perceiving because of religious upbringing I invite you to:
Write down your biggest beliefs that are present in your awareness
Write down a counter perspective to the belief
Work with the plants (mushrooms and cannabis can be great) or call to a spirit guide linked to liberation to explore the truth around the matter and to support you with becoming free from these limited beliefs (Microdosing Integration Program can support you with this)
Embody the new perspective through ritual, tapping it into your body, or baptizing yourself in water.
Continue the work and most importantly, have fun doing it! It's about the journey folks, not the destination!
Happy exploring!